
Your life is full of potential – You Are Able

Welcome to the U-R-Able website. At U-R-Able, we believe in challenging the status quo.

We reject the belief that if a blind user has a screen reader, this should be enough for them to be productive. In fact we’ve learned from our clients that “accessible” does not mean efficient nor the elimination of information barriers. Blind workers are thinkers, doers and creators.  We build tools that turn such inspiration into reality by breaking the barriers, unlocking the doors and loosing the limits brought by single Access Technologies.   A screen reader, a screen magnifier, the help of a sighted co-worker – none of these are enough on their own to meet or exceed the individuals desires and potentials.

Picture of the Alt key on a keyboardU-R-Able’s products, such as our ALT software, can address accessibility and efficiency. Efficient enough to attract sighted users, yet purpose-built for persons who are blind or have low vision. U-R-Able products complement–not replace–existing assistive technologies like screen readers and magnifiers. Our work starts where these products end using and creating customizable Accelerators that deliver and speeds navigation to hard-to-reach places at work and at home.  Accelerators, from a large repository of existing or ones you create on your own – beaming you from any starting position to any destination in a single step.

Simple to use and maintain for those with adjusted abilities, our products are designed and developed by blind workers for blind workers, and are embraced by industries such as Call Centers, Banks, Educators, Developers, Administrators, Rehab workers, Lawyers – where quality, productivity, and timeliness are the top business demands.

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